
News for AniMinneapolis 2012
November 29, 2011

AniMinneapolis announces YTCracker as guest

November 26, 2011 - Minneapolis, MN - AniMinneapolis, the second largest anime convention in Minnesota, is excited to announce the return of Nerdcore rapper YTCracker to the convention. The three-day anime festival will feature tons of events, including several autograph signings, Q&A panels, and a Nerdcore concert. Registration for the convention is currently only $25 per person.

YTCracker is a rapper, former cracker, and Internet entrepreneur. YTCracker began producing rap music in 1998 in the genre that has since become known as nerdcore hip hop. YTCracker is a self-proclaimed "jack of all trades", also making a name for himself as a professional disc jockey, computer programmer, graphics designer and webmaster. His website can be found at

YTCracker will be headlining a Nerdcore concert with other Nerdcore rappers, who include Dr. Awkward and StarF from Scrubclub Records.

Detailed information about AniMinneapolis's many guests can be found online at

Other convention events include a Cosplay Masquerade, Anime Showings, two Rave Dances, a Formal Ball, a Dealer's Room, an Artist's Alley, Video Game Tournaments, and more. There were over 60 different panels, workshops, and events at the 2011 AniMinneapolis anime convention, which brought together over 1200 attendees.

Attending the convention costs only $25 for a weekend pass, if purchased by April 15, 2012. Pre-registered attendees get faster check-in at the convention. Attendees can pre-register at

Hotel rooms can be booked by convention attendees for only $99 per night at the Ramada Mall of America. More information can be found at


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