
News for KuroKiiro Festival 2010
October 15, 2010

Pittsburgh's KuroKiiro Festival welcomes Stephanie Nadolny and Uncle Yo

PITTSBURGH, PA - October 11, 2010 - Pittsburgh's fall celebration of Japanese culture, the KuroKiiro Festival, is pleased to announce that guests Stephanie Nadolny and Uncle Yo will be in attendance at this year's November 5-7 event.

Stephanie Nadolny is perhaps best known to anime fans for her portrayals of young Son Goku and Son Gohan. She voiced the child version of each character throughout the FUNimation dubs of Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT as well as several movies. Her voice can also be heard in several other anime including Gravion Zwei, Parasite Dolls, and Pumpkin Scissors. In addition to voice acting, she has also arranged and performed themes for series including Kiddy Grade, One Piece, Dragon Ball GT, and Yu Yu Hakusho. Stephanie will appear throughout the day Friday and early Saturday.

Otaku comedian Uncle Yo returns to Pittsburgh to entertain guests with his rapidfire, insightful humor and fun panels. Yo's comedy touches on several time periods and genres of animation and general geekery, ensuring that fans of all ages and persuasions will have something to laugh about and enjoy.

Uncle Yo will also draw on his rich knowledge of fandom to present informative panels on short anime series worth watching and tabletop gaming. He will appear at the KuroKiiro Festival throughout the weekend.

Other highlights of the KuroKiiro Festival include a hall costume contest, Japanese carnival games, a maid cafe/host club, and more. Preregistration for the festival is $25 and is available through the convention's website at

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