Animaritime 2006 Information

Animaritime 2006

February 24-26, 2006

Mount Allison University
Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada

Anime Convention

Animaritime 2006 is an anime and gaming convention in its third year! It is held by the "[Insert Catchy Name Here]" Anime Club at Mount Allison University, in Sackville, NB, Canada. Animaritime 2006 will be holding events such as theater-style anime showings, panels and workshops, cosplay contest, an artists' alley, vendor room, card and board games, RPG's, console games, and much more. Animaritime 2005 was a huge success and we are hoping to provide the maritimes with an even bigger and better convention in 2006! With something for everyone, we hope to see you there!


238 paid attendeees

Registration Information

Advance Rates
$20 through November 14, 2005
$20 through January 30, 2006
At-Door Rates
All 3 Days: $25
Friday: $15
Saturday: $15
Sunday: $15

Photos and Reports

Submit a link to your Animaritime 2006 report

Animaritime 2006 News

Jan 20, 2006 Animaritime announces its guest list


Update Information for Animaritime 2006