Watch City Steampunk Festival 2021 Information

This event has changed to an online-only event.

Watch City Steampunk Festival 2021

Watch City Steampunk Festival 2021

May 8, 2021

Moved Online
Waltham Common
Waltham, MA

Steampunk Event

Attention, Citizens of Watch City! We have an exciting announcement about the next Watch City Steampunk Festival, happing virtually on May 8th!

You may have been wondering what the eccentric folks who run our beloved Watch City have been up to. They've been plotting, scheming, and experimenting... but not causing the explosions along Lexington Street, that's the high school construction project, we swear.

Now at long last we can reveal the big secret: emissaries from Watch City are being sent to the Moon -- and you're invited along! You will all be passengers on this amazing journey! As we make the dangerous voyage through the cold, deadly ether that lies between Earth and the Moon, we hope that you will enjoy the hours of in-flight entertainment we are preparing for you. These performances will be transmitted directly to your viewing monitors. A final schedule of events will be made available closer to the launch date (most of which we expect to remain available on YouTube in case you miss something).

Registration Information

At-Door Rates
Additional fee for some events


Update Information for Watch City Steampunk Festival 2021